Drew’s Signature French Balayage and Bespoke Haircut

Experience Drew Schaefering's 12+ years of practice as a L’Oréal Artist and now a Master Stylist at Rob Peetoom, in addition to being an Editorial genius, an Educator and a haircare brand owner. This is one of our exclusive bespoke services; it starts with a pre-color metal detox to ensure even and bright hues. Followed by Drew's French Balayage Technique, tailored to the texture of your hair and the shape of the final look, hence the custom Haircut design. The color is perfected with a finishing gloss to get the desired tone. To keep your hair beautiful, healthy and strong this service is completed with the biomimetics repairing and bonding science of K18. Upgrade by adding a single process or even a make-up touch-up before you go. Note: estimated timing is 2.5 - 4 hours and prior to booking this service, you must schedule a virtual or in person consultation with Drew.